New Executive Role? Don’t Ignore these Keys to Success

Leadership Connections Blog

New Executive Role? Don’t Ignore These Keys to Success

As soon as Tim started his new executive position, he experienced the perfect storm of management challenges: His boss resigned during his first week on the job.  There was an underlying perception that the executive team to which he was assigned was not effective.  He did not feel much support from HR regarding how to successfully integrate into the culture. Due to these signs of instability, he felt that he was under increased pressure to make a connection to new boss and quickly deliver results.   In addition, he was experiencing a challenging transition at home, as well, as the new position had necessitated the move of his family – a change made more difficult by the fact that one of his kids was a child with special needs.  

Transitioning to a new executive role can be difficult for anyone, even without the multifaceted challenges Tim faced!   But how you acclimate during those first few months can be a critical determining factor in your continued success in your new role.  Understanding this, we helped Tim to create structured and focused 30-, 60-, and 90-day onboarding plans that incorporated the uniqueness of his situation.  Key elements included the following:

  • Identify key stakeholders and focus on building relationships through his work.
  • Leverage previous experiences and demonstrate strong commitment to the brand
  • Pay close attention to his personal transition
  • Rely on external coach for support during the first 6-8 months

Click here for more information on the importance of onboarding

Leader’s Reaction: 

Tim was a bit shell-shocked by the situation.  However, he quickly understood the need to focus and be purposeful about his transition.


Tim committed to his onboarding plan, worked closely with his coach, and will celebrate his first year anniversary in 3 weeks.

Key wins included:

  • Aligning with his new boss
  • Aligning and reinvigorating his team by building and communicating a clear plan, getting to know each team member, and learning how to motivate each effectively while also holding each accountable for results
  • Repositioning his function within the executive team

Ensuring that his family is settled and thriving